About me Certificates Projects

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Hello, my name is Rone Bragaglia.

My journey began as a programmer in 2019, and since then, I have dedicated myself to staying at the forefront of the latest trends and technologies in the field. Through courses, bootcamps, networking, and self-directed learning, I constantly strive to expand my knowledge and skills to become a more competent and innovative professional. I hold a degree in Systems Analysis and Development from and completed my Postgraduate Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at UNINOVE. Currently, which allows me to integrate Artificial Intelligence solutions with marketing strategies, aiming to generate a real impact on businesses.

As an ambassador for the DIO platform, I am always seeking new opportunities and challenges that will enable me to grow even further in the field.
On this website, you will find a detailed overview of my key technical skills and my most relevant projects in development. I am very pleased with your visit and hope you find useful information about my work. If you don't find what you're looking for, feel free to access my contact information below. I am here to help you and answer any questions you may have. ❤☕

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image code

Premiere game analyzer

Projection of results of premiere league clubs' matches....

image code

Neural Network

Using the kaggle database. The neural network architecture has been simplified and improved, using more batch normalization to normalize activations between layers and help with model convergence. Dropout is used between the convolutional and dense layers to avoid overfitting. The learning rate is now dynamically adjusted using a LearningRateScheduler.

image code

Word Count:

Python program that READS A .TXT FILE and counts the number of WORDS in a text file

FastAPI image

Game "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

In this program, the user chooses an element from the game "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock", and the computer randomly chooses another element. The program then determines the winner of the round based on the rules of the game and reports the result to the user. The project consists of an API that contains user authentication to create a task list. Each user has their own task list and can CRUD it. Users with administrator permissions, are able to see all the task lists of all users and can also exclude a specific task by informing your ID.

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Passoword validation

MODULE in Python that validates whether a password is strong or sufficient. A password is considered strong if it is at least eight characters long, containing at least one confidential letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character. Use dictionaries for each type of character (uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters)

image code


Function in Python that checks whether a word is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word that is read the same way backwards.

stock analysis


This project aims to perform a detailed analysis of stock exchange actions, using popular Python libraries, such as Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn and yfinance. Analysis includes collecting historical data, calculating financial indicators, and visualizing the data to assist in making investment decisions.

stock analysis

Face Detection

I developed a face detection and classification system using image processing and deep learning techniques. The code is capable of loading an image from a URL, detecting faces using OpenCV's Haar classifier, and classifying the detected faces based on age, gender, race, and emotion.

stock analysis


This code allows you to upload an audio file containing speech, such as a WhatsApp audio file, and performs speech recognition in that file. It uses the SpeechRecognition library to recognize speech in the audio file and displays the recognized text in the output. Additionally, the code uses FFmpeg to convert the audio file to WAV format, which is the format supported by the SpeechRecognition library. This allows the code to work with different audio formats, ensuring that speech recognition is carried out successfully.

Detecção da Palavra_Senhora

Lady_Word Detection

Project "Word Visualizer - Madam. , The code downloads text from a book, pre-processes it, creates a word cloud based on the processed text, and finally displays this word cloud. This allows you to visualize the most frequent in the text in graphic form.

Sentimento Cinematográfico

Cinematic Feeling

the code performs sentiment analysis of the provided reviews, which are about movies. Each review is analyzed to determine whether the sentiment expressed is positive or negative. The sentiment analysis model is trained on a variety of texts, including movie reviews, which allows it to classify the reviews provided based on the overall tone of the text.



This program defines a check_letters_order function that uses regular expressions to check whether the letters of the given word appear in the same order in the given sentence. It then tests the function with sentences 1 and 2 and prints whether the condition is satisfied or not for each of them.



The final DataFrame, including the sentiment column, is displayed. This code not only calculates message sentiments, but also provides visualizations that make analysis more understandable and visually appealing.

mnist dataset

mnist dataset

This code loads the MNIST dataset, which consists of 60,000 training images and 10,000 test images of handwritten digits 0 to 9. I then built a simple convolutional neural network to classify these digits. The model is trained and evaluated using the training and testing images.
